Source code for

# A consolidation of the data sources for the project
# includes:
# NetworkX!
# RDFlib!
# Other things!
# Works like Configure:
# Inherit from the DataUser class to access data of all kinds (listed above)

import sqlite3
import networkx as nx
import PyOpenWorm
from PyOpenWorm import Configureable, Configure, ConfigValue, BadConf
import hashlib
import csv
import urllib2
from rdflib import URIRef, Literal, Graph, Namespace, ConjunctiveGraph
from rdflib.namespace import RDFS, RDF, NamespaceManager
from datetime import datetime as DT
import datetime
import transaction
import os
import traceback
import logging as L

__all__ = ["Data", "DataUser", "RDFSource", "SerializationSource", "TrixSource", "SPARQLSource", "SleepyCatSource", "DefaultSource", "ZODBSource"]

class _B(ConfigValue):
    def __init__(self, f):
        self.v = False
        self.f = f

    def get(self):
        if not self.v:
            self.v = self.f()

        return self.v
    def invalidate(self):
        self.v = False

ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)
class _UTC(datetime.tzinfo):

    def utcoffset(self, dt):
        return ZERO

    def tzname(self, dt):
        return "UTC"

    def dst(self, dt):
        return ZERO
utc = _UTC()

propertyTypes = {"send" : '',
        "Neuropeptide" : '',
        "Receptor" : '',
        "is a" : '',
        "neuromuscular junction" : '',
        "Innexin" : '',
        "Neurotransmitter" : '',
        "gap junction" : ''}

def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None):
    "Collect data into fixed-length chunks or blocks"
    # grouper('ABCDEFG', 3, 'x') --> ABC DEF Gxx
    args = [iter(iterable)] * n
    while True:
        l = []
            for x in args:
        yield l
        if len(l) < n:

class DataUser(Configureable):
    """ A convenience wrapper for users of the database

    Classes which use the database should inherit from DataUser.
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        Configureable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        if not isinstance(self.conf, Data):
            raise BadConf("Not a Data instance: "+ str(self.conf))

    def base_namespace(self):
        return self.conf['rdf.namespace']

    def base_namespace_set(self, value):
        self.conf['rdf.namespace'] = value

    def rdf(self):
        return self.conf['rdf.graph']

    def rdf(self, value):
        self.conf['rdf.graph'] = value

    def _remove_from_store(self, g):
        # Note the assymetry with _add_to_store. You must add actual elements, but deletes
        # can be performed as a query
        for group in grouper(g, 1000):
            temp_graph = Graph()
            for x in group:
                if x is not None:
            s = " DELETE DATA {" + temp_graph.serialize(format="nt") + " } "
            L.debug("deleting. s = " + s)

    def _add_to_store(self, g, graph_name=False):
        if self.conf[''] == 'SPARQLUpdateStore':
            # XXX With Sesame, for instance, it is probably faster to do a PUT over
            #     the endpoint's rest interface. Just need to do it for some common endpoints

                gs = g.serialize(format="nt")
                gs = _triples_to_bgp(g)

            if graph_name:
                s = " INSERT DATA { GRAPH "+graph_name.n3()+" {" + gs + " } } "
                s = " INSERT DATA { " + gs + " } "
                L.debug("update query = " + s)
            gr = self.conf['rdf.graph']
            for x in g:

        if self.conf['rdf.source'] == 'ZODB':
            # Commit the current transaction
            # Fire off a new one

        #infer from the added statements

    def infer(self):
        """ Fire FuXi rule engine to infer triples """

        from FuXi.Rete.RuleStore import SetupRuleStore
        from FuXi.Rete.Util import generateTokenSet
        from FuXi.Horn.HornRules import HornFromN3
        #fetch the derived object's graph
        semnet = self.rdf
        rule_store, rule_graph, network = SetupRuleStore(makeNetwork=True)
        closureDeltaGraph = R.Graph()
        network.inferredFacts = closureDeltaGraph
        #build a network of rules
        for rule in HornFromN3('testrules.n3'):
        # apply rules to original facts to infer new facts
        # combine original facts with inferred facts
        for x in closureDeltaGraph:

    def add_reference(self, g, reference_iri):
        Add a citation to a set of statements in the database

        :param triples: A set of triples to annotate
        new_statements = Graph()
        ns = self.conf['rdf.namespace']
        for statement in g:
            statement_node = self._reify(new_statements,statement)
            new_statements.add((URIRef(reference_iri), ns['asserts'], statement_node))

        self.add_statements(g + new_statements)

    #def _add_unannotated_statements(self, graph):
    # A UTC class.

    def retract_statements(self, graph):
        Remove a set of statements from the database.

        :param graph: An iterable of triples
    def _remove_from_store_by_query(self, q):
        import logging as L
        s = " DELETE WHERE {" + q + " } "
        L.debug("deleting. s = " + s)

    def add_statements(self, graph):
        Add a set of statements to the database.
        Annotates the addition with uploader name, etc

        :param graph: An iterable of triples

    def _reify(self,g,s):
        Add a statement object to g that binds to s
        n = self.conf['new_graph_uri'](s)
        g.add((n, RDF['type'], RDF['Statement']))
        g.add((n, RDF['subject'], s[0]))
        g.add((n, RDF['predicate'], s[1]))
        g.add((n, RDF['object'], s[2]))
        return n

class Data(Configure, Configureable):
    Provides configuration for access to the database.

    Usally doesn't need to be accessed directly
    def __init__(self, conf=False):
        # We copy over all of the configuration that we were given
        if conf:
        self.namespace = Namespace("")
        self.molecule_namespace = Namespace("")
        self['nx'] = _B(self._init_networkX)
        self['rdf.namespace'] = self.namespace
        self['molecule_name'] = self._molecule_hash
        self['new_graph_uri'] = self._molecule_hash

    def open(cls,file_name):
        """ Open a file storing configuration in a JSON format """
        Configureable.conf =
        return cls()

    def openDatabase(self):
        """ Open a the configured database """
        L.debug("opening " + str(self.source))
        nm = NamespaceManager(self['rdf.graph'])
        self['rdf.namespace_manager'] = nm
        self['rdf.graph'].namespace_manager = nm

        nm.bind("", self['rdf.namespace'])

    def closeDatabase(self):
        """ Close a the configured database """

    def _init_rdf_graph(self):
        # Set these in case they were left out
        c = self.conf
        self['rdf.source'] = c['rdf.source'] = c.get('rdf.source', 'default')
        self[''] = c[''] = c.get('', 'default')
        self['rdf.store_conf'] = c['rdf.store_conf'] = c.get('rdf.store_conf', 'default')

        # XXX:The conf=self can probably be removed
        self.sources = {'sqlite' : SQLiteSource,
                'sparql_endpoint' : SPARQLSource,
                'sleepycat' : SleepyCatSource,
                'default' : DefaultSource,
                'trix' : TrixSource,
                'serialization' : SerializationSource,
                'zodb' : ZODBSource
        i = self.sources[self['rdf.source'].lower()]()
        self.source = i'semantic_net_new', 'semantic_net', 'rdf.graph')
        self['rdf.graph'] = i
        return i

    def _molecule_hash(self, data):
        return URIRef(self.molecule_namespace[hashlib.sha224(str(data)).hexdigest()])

    def _init_networkX(self):
        g = nx.DiGraph()

        # Neuron table
        csvfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.conf['neuronscsv'])

        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='|')
        for row in reader:
            neurontype = ""
            # Detects neuron function
            if "sensory" in row[1].lower():
                neurontype += "sensory"
            if "motor" in row[1].lower():
                neurontype += "motor"
            if "interneuron" in row[1].lower():
                neurontype += "interneuron"
            if len(neurontype) == 0:
                neurontype = "unknown"

            if len(row[0]) > 0: # Only saves valid neuron names
                g.add_node(row[0], ntype = neurontype)

        # Connectome table
        csvfile = urllib2.urlopen(self.conf['connectomecsv'])

        reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=';', quotechar='|')
        for row in reader:
            g.add_edge(row[0], row[1], weight = row[3])
            g[row[0]][row[1]]['synapse'] = row[2]
            g[row[0]][row[1]]['neurotransmitter'] = row[4]
        return g

def modification_date(filename):
    t = os.path.getmtime(filename)
    return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t)

class RDFSource(Configureable,PyOpenWorm.ConfigValue):
    """ Base class for data sources.

    Alternative sources should dervie from this class
    i = 0
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        if self.i == 1:
            raise Exception(self.i)
        Configureable.__init__(self, **kwargs)
        self.graph = False

    def get(self):
        if self.graph == False:
            raise Exception("Must call openDatabase on Data object before using the database")
        return self.graph

    def close(self):
        if self.graph == False:
        self.graph = False

    def open(self):
        """ Called on ``PyOpenWorm.connect()`` to set up and return the rdflib graph.
        Must be overridden by sub-classes.
        raise NotImplementedError()

class SerializationSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from an RDF serialization or, if the configured database is more recent, then from that.

        The database store is configured with::

            "rdf.source" = "serialization"
            "" = <your rdflib store name here>
            "rdf.serialization" = <your RDF serialization>
            "rdf.serialization_format" = <your rdflib serialization format used>
            "rdf.store_conf" = <your rdflib store configuration here>


    def open(self):
        if not self.graph:
            self.graph = True
            import glob
            # Check the ages of the files. Read the more recent one.
            g0 = ConjunctiveGraph(store=self.conf[''])
            database_store = self.conf['rdf.store_conf']
            source_file = self.conf['rdf.serialization']
            file_format = self.conf['rdf.serialization_format']
            # store_time only works for stores that are on the local
            # machine.
                store_time = modification_date(database_store)
                # If the store is newer than the serialization
                # get the newest file in the store
                for x in glob.glob(database_store +"/*"):
                    mod = modification_date(x)
                    if store_time < mod:
                        store_time = mod
                store_time = DT.min

            trix_time = modification_date(source_file)

  , create=True)

            if store_time > trix_time:
                # just use the store
                # delete the database and read in the new one
                # read in the serialized format

            self.graph = g0

        return self.graph

class TrixSource(SerializationSource):
    """ A SerializationSource specialized for TriX

        The database store is configured with::

            "rdf.source" = "trix"
            "rdf.trix_location" = <location of the TriX file>
            "" = <your rdflib store name here>
            "rdf.store_conf" = <your rdflib store configuration here>

    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
        h = self.conf.get('trix_location','UNSET')'rdf.serialization','trix_location')
        self.conf['rdf.serialization'] = h
        self.conf['rdf.serialization_format'] = 'trix'

def _rdf_literal_to_gp(x):
    return x.n3()

def _triples_to_bgp(trips):
    # XXX: Collisions could result between the variable names of different objects
    g = " .\n".join(" ".join(_rdf_literal_to_gp(x) for x in y) for y in trips)
    return g

class SPARQLSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from and queries against a remote data store


            "rdf.source" = "sparql_endpoint"
    def open(self):
        # XXX: If we have a source that's read only, should we need to set the store separately??
        g0 = ConjunctiveGraph('SPARQLUpdateStore')['rdf.store_conf']))
        self.graph = g0
        return self.graph

class SleepyCatSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from and queries against a local Sleepycat database

        The database can be configured like::

            "rdf.source" = "Sleepycat"
            "rdf.store_conf" = <your database location here>
    def open(self):
        import logging
        # XXX: If we have a source that's read only, should we need to set the store separately??
        g0 = ConjunctiveGraph('Sleepycat')
        self.conf[''] = 'Sleepycat'['rdf.store_conf'],create=True)
        self.graph = g0
        logging.debug("Opened SleepyCatSource")

class SQLiteSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from and queries against a SQLite database

    See see the SQLite database :file:`db/celegans.db` for the format

    The database store is configured with::

        "rdf.source" = "Sleepycat"
        "sqldb" = "/home/USER/openworm/PyOpenWorm/db/celegans.db",
        "" = <your rdflib store name here>
        "rdf.store_conf" = <your rdflib store configuration here>

    Leaving ```` unconfigured simply gives an in-memory data store.
    def open(self):
        conn = sqlite3.connect(self.conf['sqldb'])
        cur = conn.cursor()

        #first step, grab all entities and add them to the graph
        n = self.conf['rdf.namespace']

        cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT ID, Entity FROM tblentity")
        g0 = ConjunctiveGraph(self.conf[''])['rdf.store_conf'], create=True)

        for r in cur.fetchall():
            #first item is a number -- needs to be converted to a string
           first = str(r[0])
           #second item is text
           second = str(r[1])

           # This is the backbone of any RDF graph.  The unique
           # ID for each entity is encoded as a URI and every other piece of
           # knowledge about that entity is connected via triples to that URI
           # In this case, we connect the common name of that entity to the
           # root URI via the RDFS label property.
           g0.add( (n[first], RDFS.label, Literal(second)) )

        #second step, get the relationships between them and add them to the graph
        cur.execute("SELECT DISTINCT EnID1, Relation, EnID2, Citations FROM tblrelationship")

        gi = ''

        i = 0
        for r in cur.fetchall():
           #all items are numbers -- need to be converted to a string
           first = str(r[0])
           second = str(r[1])
           third = str(r[2])
           prov = str(r[3])

           ui = self.conf['molecule_name'](prov)
           gi = Graph(, ui)

           gi.add( (n[first], n[second], n[third]) )

           g0.add([ui, RDFS.label, Literal(str(i))])
           if (prov != ''):
               g0.add([ui, n[u'text_reference'], Literal(prov)])

           i = i + 1

        self.graph = g0

class DefaultSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from and queries against a configured database.

        The default configuration.

        The database store is configured with::

            "rdf.source" = "default"
            "" = <your rdflib store name here>
            "rdf.store_conf" = <your rdflib store configuration here>

        Leaving unconfigured simply gives an in-memory data store.
    def open(self):
        self.graph = ConjunctiveGraph(self.conf[''])['rdf.store_conf'],create=True)

class ZODBSource(RDFSource):
    """ Reads from and queries against a configured Zope Object Database.

        If the configured database does not exist, it is created.

        The database store is configured with::

            "rdf.source" = "ZODB"
            "rdf.store_conf" = <location of your ZODB database>

        Leaving unconfigured simply gives an in-memory data store.
    def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
        self.conf[''] = "ZODB"

    def open(self):
        import ZODB
        from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
        self.path = self.conf['rdf.store_conf']
        openstr = os.path.abspath(self.path)

        if 'rdflib' not in root:
            root['rdflib'] = ConjunctiveGraph('ZODB')
        self.graph = root['rdflib']
        except Exception as e:
            # catch commit exception and close db.
            # otherwise db would stay open and follow up tests
            # will detect the db in error state
            L.warning('Forced to abort transaction on ZODB store opening')

    def close(self):
        if self.graph == False:


        except Exception as e:
            # catch commit exception and close db.
            # otherwise db would stay open and follow up tests
            # will detect the db in error state
            L.warning('Forced to abort transaction on ZODB store closing')
        self.graph = False